What Are The Three Types of TMJ?
If you are experiencing jaw pain that is getting in the way of daily...
How OSA and Fibromyalgia are Connected
Sleep apnea is a difficult condition that can affect every area of your life. Not...
The Link Between OSA and Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer for both men and women and is responsible...
Pediatric Sleep Apnea and Treatment Methods
Does your child snore, breathe through their mouth, or experience pauses in breathing while sleeping?...
How Your Snoring Is Affecting Your Body Negatively
Do you get frequently told by your family and friends that you snore...
Here’s Why Snoring Isn’t Just a Bad Habit
Have you been told that you snore, whether it is from family, friends,...
Sleep and Memory Issues: Are They Linked?
Sleep disorders can cause many side effects and pose an increased risk for a...
Alcohol Can Affect Your Sleep: Here’s How
Alcohol has a reputation for making us feel sleepy, which can be confusing for...
How Mouth Breathing Changes Your Face
Mouth breathing is not the body’s natural or default way of breathing. The correct, natural...
Sleep Apnea Treatment Without Surgery or CPAP?
Sleep apnea treatment is something that most people have at the bottom of their...