Is My Jaw Pain TMJ?
Jaw Pain? It Might Be TMJ
Do you feel a nagging jaw pain that just won’t go away? It is possible that you may now have a TMJ or TMD issue. The sooner you are able to receive treatment for your TMJ pain, the better your...
Why Do I Have TMJ?
What Causes TMJ and How Can I Fix It?
Do you feel pain and tenderness around your jaw joints? Is it difficult to eat certain foods or to even yawn? You may be suffering from TMJ/TMD. The cause of TMJ and TMD is different for each...
Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ and TMJ Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ and TMJ Treatment
If you have just been diagnosed with a TMJ disorder, or suspect you may have one, you may have a lot of questions. Unfortunately, there is no “magic pill” for TMJ to make it go away and be...
TMJ and Everything You Need to Know: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More
TMJ and Everything You Need to Know: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More
TMJ can be very painful—so much so, that it can completely change one’s life. Whether your TMJ symptoms have been a sudden onset or have been slowly building throughout your life, it can be...
What Happens if TMJ is Left Untreated?
What Happens if TMJ is Left Untreated?
TMJ disorders can be debilitating, annoying, and can significantly affect your quality of life. However, people tend to put off medical care for painful conditions due to many factors. Whether it is the costs associated with treatment, the commitment...
The Effects of Poor Posture on Your Health
The Effects of Poor Posture on Your Health
How many times have you heard your mother tell you to “stand up straight” or “stop slouching”? Or, do you find yourself saying it to your own children? Having poor posture is much more than just looking a...
Does Tongue Tie Have a Connection to TMJ Disorders?
Becoming tongue-tied is much more than becoming nervous and shying away from what you want to say. It’s an actual medical condition that can cause severe life-long issues if not corrected. One of these issues is TMJ disorders. Keep reading to learn more about...
Sleep Apnea and TMJ
Sleep apnea is a complex condition that can greatly affect an individual’s sleep quality. There can be many causes of sleep apnea, and one of them is TMJ. TMJ, which is short for the temporomandibular joint, is the hinge that connects your jaw to your...