While the exact answer to this question will depend on your unique treatment plan, Dr. Gorman generally recommends patients wear their TMJ oral appliance every night as they sleep. The pressure applied by the appliance works to gradually move the teeth and/or jaw(s) into proper position. Once optimal occlusion is achieved, the device helps maintain ideal positioning.
While jaw stretching, massaging, and various other TMJ home remedies may help temporarily alleviate TMJ pain for some people, the relief provided by these exercises is typically just that—temporary. Complete, lasting resolution of TMD can usually only be achieved via professional treatment that targets the underlying cause(s) of the condition.
If left untreated, TMJ disorder may persist forever, never resolving on its own. In fact, it might actually worsen over time, causing symptoms to progressively increase in severity. Like most health-related conditions, being evaluated by and receiving treatment from a qualified professional like Dr. Gorman is the best way to resolve TMD.
Similar to the way changing how you walk to accomodate a sore ankle can eventually cause aching in the hips or lower back, continual malfunction of the temporomandibular joint can lead to discomfort elsewhere in the body since the muscles in various other areas must adapt accordingly and act irregularly. Areas outside of the head and jaw that are most commonly affected by TMD include the shoulders, neck, and back.
Prognosis for TMD is good, as most individuals respond well to treatment. Success rates of treatment are significantly enhanced when a comprehensive approach that addresses occlusion, muscle/joint balance, and stress management is employed.