Author - Jaclyn Uloth

5 Surprising Ways Snoring Affects Your Health

5 Surprising Ways Snoring Affects Your Body

How Your Snoring Is Affecting Your Body Negatively

Do you get frequently told by your family and friends that you snore loudly? Perhaps your bed partner wakes you up multiple times a night to get you to turn over, or your family makes off-the-cuff comments about...
10 Harmful Ways Snoring Impacts Your Life

10 Harmful Ways Snoring Impacts Your Life

Here’s Why Snoring Isn’t Just a Bad Habit

Have you been told that you snore, whether it is from family, friends, or a bed partner? Snoring can be annoying, loud, and disturbing for others. But that isn’t all it is. If you think that your loud...
How Your Sleep Quality Impacts Your Memory

How Your Sleep Quality Impacts Your Memory

Sleep and Memory Issues: Are They Linked?

Sleep disorders can cause many side effects and pose an increased risk for a large number of health conditions. One of the many things that sleep disorders can affect is memory. If you or someone you love suffers from...
Can Alcohol Affect Your Sleep Negatively?

Can Alcohol Affect Your Sleep Negatively?

Alcohol Can Affect Your Sleep: Here’s How

Alcohol has a reputation for making us feel sleepy, which can be confusing for many people when they find out that alcohol can actually disrupt your sleep. Alcohol is a sedative that can make you feel relaxed, and if...
Can Mouth Breathing Affect Facial Structure?

Can Mouth Breathing Affect Facial Structure?

How Mouth Breathing Changes Your Face

Mouth breathing is not the body’s natural or default way of breathing. The correct, natural way to breathe is through the nose. Every once in a while, you may breathe through your mouth when you are sick, have allergies, or...
Does Sleep Apnea Treatment Without a CPAP Exist?

Does Sleep Apnea Treatment Without a CPAP Exist?

Sleep Apnea Treatment Without Surgery or CPAP?

Sleep apnea treatment is something that most people have at the bottom of their to-do list. Whether it is fear of the unknown, not being ready to commit to a lifetime of using a CPAP machine, or not being...
How long is sleep apnea treatment?

Is Treatment for Sleep Apnea Lifelong?

Sleep Apnea Treatment: How Long Until I’m Better?

Whether you have been formally diagnosed with sleep apnea or highly suspect you or your partner is suffering from it, you may be wondering if it is a condition that will ever go away. Are you destined to...

What is the Vivos Method for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Treating Sleep Apnea with the Vivos Method

When you think about sleep apnea treatment, you may picture a CPAP Machine. Loud, bulky, difficult, and with a stigma attached. They aren’t much quieter for your partner than your snoring, and they can be embarrassing to live with...

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Linked to Cognitive Decline

How Obstructive Sleep Apnea Affects Your Cognitive Function

Obstructive sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that you might not even know you have. Also known as OSA, it can disrupt many areas of your life and cause multiple long-term health problems. One of the many health...

Lifestyle Changes for Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea and Lifestyle Changes You Can Make

Have you recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea or strongly suspect you have it? Sleep apnea is a difficult condition that does not affect just your sleep—it can affect nearly every area of your life. Sleep is important,...