A period of occasional bedwetting is something virtually all children go through at some point in time. While many grow out of this stage as they develop improved bladder control, there are certain instances in which bedwetting remains an ongoing—and frequent—occurrence. When this is the case, various causes aside from bladder immaturity may be to blame, with one possibility being sleep-disordered breathing (SDB).
SDB is a generic term encompassing a variety of issues that can make breathing difficult during sleep, including sleep apnea, snoring, and several other conditions that inhibit proper nighttime airflow. For children suffering from SDB, breathing while asleep is more difficult, which makes the brain work harder to bring oxygen into the body. With this increased focus on oxygen intake, less attention is given to controlling other bodily functions—such as bladder restraint—which can result in bedwetting.
For over a decade, Dr. Martin Gorman has provided effective treatment to young patients suffering from sleep-disordered breathing, including many who were experiencing excessive bedwetting related to SDB. As a pioneer in the evolving breathing wellness movement, Dr. Gorman is able to combine leading scientific principles with conservative oral appliance therapies to target and correct the underlying issue(s) responsible for obstructed nighttime airflow—ultimately helping patients achieve improved breathing during sleep and a dramatic reduction in (if not elimination of) bedwetting and other SDB symptoms.
If your child has a bedwetting problem and you don’t believe bladder immaturity, urinary tract infection, or other common causes are to blame, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gorman. He would be happy to help determine if sleep-disordered breathing may be the culprit—or a contributing factor—as well as to customize an effective treatment plan for your child. Simply contact our office online or by telephone today to book an appointment!